It’s a PB&J Day!

It’s a PB&J Day!

Over a dozen certified sandwich assemblers gathered in the fellowship hall on Wednesday (6/15) to slather up a bounty of sandwiches and sack lunches for the Open Door Mission in Rochester. In just under 90 minutes, the BSFC team of highly skilled sandwich professionals produced enough gourmet level PB&Js to fill nearly 60 lunch bags. Each bag contained not 1, but 2 delicious sandwiches, plus water, a juice box, snack, cupcake, a fruit and a napkin (afterall, Peanut Butter is sticky). Yum yum! Also in each bag was one of those cool colored bracelets and a handout telling the Gospel. Each bag was artfully decorated by the kids in Power Up. Props to Linda Jones for taking the lead and rallying the troops for a jam-packed morning, and to Pastor Nate and Kennedy for delivering the tasty lunches to the Mission. BTW, providing lunches is a daily service offered by the ODM – According to their website, 70,432 meals were provided in 2021.